We’re given at least 4 creative personal freedoms at birth:
Fun, play, joy and love.
Most of us experience reduction — or even loss — of those as we grow up. That’s life. As adults, it’s up to us, to reacquire those freedoms. It’s on us to reconnect.
Creativity is a way to find back to our freedoms. Allowing creativity into our lives, brings us closer to the freedoms. At the same time, the freedoms help unlock our creativity.
Few activities hold the key to all of the 4 freedoms as dancing. Not dancing pretty, not dancing “like you’re supposed to” — but dancing just as we feel like. Even ‘foolish’, ‘wrong’ or ‘ugly’.
Any creative journey will have a few clear before-and-after-points. It can be a significant turn, when we first allow ourselves to dance like nobody is watching, and we regain our birthright.
We’re dancing. It is fun, we’re playing, we’re floating on the joy of music, we’re intoxicated with love and we feel truly free.
The thing that holds us back, is a construction inside our heads. We get to choose what to do with it.